Available countries:

South America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Perú and Uruguay.

North America: Canada, United States and Mexico.

Payment: We want you to have the best experience when purchasing from our website, that’s why our team will help you to finalize your purchase depending on the Payment method: PayPal link (charge in USD) or Webpay platform.

PayPal link: Once you have finished shopping, go to your (cart/bag). If you are happy with the items, click (Pay, check out?). The price shown in CLP consider your items and delivery fees. If you are an international buyer, your order will remain “pending”.
To finalize payment process, our team will contact you to your email address and send a paypal link, showing the amount in USD. Please complete and finish the purchase now.

Webpay: Payment authorization depends on the bank issuer. Once payment is received, we will prepare and take your order for delivery.

International Shipping: 5 -10 business days.